Sarah Wayne Callies: Back from the Dead!


In one crazy unexpected twist, Sarah Wayne Callies is coming back to Prison Break next season!!!

Yes, even after her character, Dr. Sara Tancredi was unexpectedly beheaded last season. Apparently she had a contract dispute with 20th Century last year but that’s all been resolved.

In the fourth episode of season three (”Good Fences”), Sara’s head was presumably decapitated, placed in a box, and sent to Lincoln Burrows. So how can she be written back into the series?

Prison Break executive producer Matt Olmstead tells TV Guide,”Lincoln glanced at the head in the box for a split second. That could’ve been anyone. He wasn’t about to pull it up from the hair and inspect it closely.”

Olmstead also admitted that the fans affected the decision to bring back Sarah. “…once we started talking about it, it was mentioned again that fans are still wondering about her. And when people who are fans of the show — and of Sarah — are asking, “Is she really dead?”, what they’re saying, essentially, is, “I hope she’s not dead.”

WHAT DO YOU THINK of bringing SWC back to life??


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